“Game changer on all levels. Revenue boost, cleaner rooms, happier Guests.” Mary Wren, Director of Hotel Operations

Property Type:
Casino Hotel
North America
1,563 Rooms
- Smoking in non-smoking rooms and inability to discover smoking until after check out.
- Complaints of smoking odors from the next guests.
- Significant lost revenue from pulling rooms off-the-market (OTM) and compensating guests, especially when the hotel sells out everyday.
- Extra time to clean and get smoked OTM rooms ready to rent again.
- Unreported smoking due to the large size of the property and the language barrier between housekeeping and operations.
- Lingering smoking smell and damage to soft goods like bedding, drapes, and carpet.
- FreshAir Smoking Sensors immediately detect tobacco and marijuana smoking in each hotel room on a molecular level.
- FreshAir Monitoring Platform sends discreet Smoking Alerts to hotel management immediately after smoking occurs.
- FreshAir Smoking Alerts provide indisputable scientific proof of smoking with timestamps and location.
- FreshAir Smoking Alerts provide Mohegan’s staff the evidence they need to charge a guest while they’re still on property.
- The FreshAir Smoking Detection System helps prevent chargebacks and archives the evidence needed to fight them if needed.
- Fewer rooms OTM, leading to less lost revenue and fewer guest complaints.
- Instant and significant cleaning fee revenue – covering the cost of FreshAir Sensor (many times over) and providing a revenue boost with large positive return on investment.
- Decrease in smoking in non-smoking rooms.
- Successful cleaning fee charges and no lost chargebacks on cleaning fees.
- Reduction in smoking damage in non-smoking rooms.
“In our first 6 months FreshAir Sensor has paid for itself for the next 3 years and we have not had a single chargeback. Revenue boost, cleaner rooms, happier guests. Just try it.”
Mary Wren, Director of Hotel Operations
Learn more: Mohegan Sun Case Study PDF