HUD senior center apartments install FreshAir Smoking Sensors to prevent and prove tobacco and marijuana smoking
Property Type:
HUD Senior Housing Apartments
Derry, NH
80 units
- Lack of evidence to follow through on property’s no-smoking policy
- Complaints from residents about smoking in nearby apartments
- FreshAir Smoking Detection devices in all apartments
- Monitoring in apartments for tobacco and marijuana smoking with FreshAir Smoking Sensors
- Notification with timestamped, scientific proof of smoking in a specific apartment
- Reduced smoking in apartments
- Fewer complaints from residents about unwanted, nearby smoking and false accusations of smoking in their smoke-free apartments
- Documented record of smoking incidents with FreshAir Smoking Alerts (both printed and online archive)
- Deterred future smoking
“FreshAir Sensor gives us the evidence needed to follow through with our no-smoking procedure when someone is smoking in their apartment.”
Christine Schmid, Property Manager