FreshAir Sensor Again Named One of Best Companies to Work For

Creative and exceptional commitment to fulfilling and functional work experience.

BusinessNH Magazine again named FreshAir Sensor one of the best companies to work for in the state of New Hampshire.

Moving up in the 2023 ranking to number seven, FreshAir excelled in the Employee Engagement Survey and continued to demonstrate its creative and exceptional commitment to a fulfilling and functional work experience.

In its ranking, BusinessNH “recognized businesses that go out of their way to create engaging workplaces and understand that fulfilled employees are more productive.”

Based on the “10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps That Drive Results” in Louder Than Words by Bob Kelleher, the survey gathers feedback and ratings from employees.

The results for FreshAir Sensor show remarkably consistent and high ratings. In all of the categories listed below, FreshAir scored between 94% and 100%:

  • I know what my organization is trying to achieve strategically
  • I am encouraged to learn and develop new skills
  • Management is trusted
  • Management operates in accordance with the firm’s overall philosophy and values: they practice what they preach
  • Positive relationships exist between employees and management at my company
  • My manager is interested in my well being
  • My manager respects my work life balance
  • I am informed about what is happening at this organization
  • Communication between the office’s management and people at my level is very good
  • I feel comfortable talking to my superiors about any concerns I might have about my work
  • My company has a culture of diversity and inclusion – they treat all employees fairly regardless of age, gender, race, religion, etc.
  • My manager really cares about me as a person
  • The mission and purpose of my organization makes me feel that my job is important
  • I would like to be working for this organization one year from today
  • There are real opportunities here for meaningful career and professional development
  • I have the freedom to make the necessary decisions to do my work properly
  • I can keep a reasonable balance between work and personal life
  • Our management values input from all levels
  • We regularly discuss our progress toward our goals and objectives
  • My firm provides opportunities to socialize and celebrate special events
  • We identify and recruit the best people for every job
  • My manager displays the behavior and traits that are consistent with the company’s values
FreshAir Sensor representatives from Chemistry, Client Experience, Hardware Engineering, Software, Sales, and Sensor Production on a hotel site visit.

Comments submitted by FreshAir Sensor employees:

“I LOVE working at FreshAir!”
“This is my dream job – a year in and I’m still thanking God for everyone at FreshAir.”
“Top management doesn’t just talk, they walk the walk as a peer not a dictator and can be found on the production line when needed.”
“First job in nearly 40 years of professional employment that I absolutely love and doesn’t cause me any stress.”
“Employees bring their dogs to work and they bring joy and improve everyone’s wellbeing.”
“Every employee has an equal voice.”
“Ideas and innovations are routinely discussed, and no idea is discounted without consideration.”
“Employees have the ability to take the time to care for their families without fear of repercussions.”
“Flexible work hours that increase productivity because people have been able to take care of life and get their work done.”
“The company hires collaborative, creative and compassionate people.”
“Physical and mental disabilities are seen as opportunities, not something to dismiss.”