Downtown Miami Hotel

Smoking Alerts reduce guest complaints and provide instant financial and operational benefits.

FreshAir Sensor Downtown Miami Hotel
Property Type:
Full Service Downtown Hotel
Miami, FL
528 Rooms


  • Security could not pinpoint rooms where smoking occurred
  • Evidence of smoking was reported to security during turnover, long after the guest left
  • Negative experience for non-smoking guests
  • Loss of repeat customers and recommendations
  • Additional cleaning and ionizing required after smoking events


  • FreshAir Sensor immediately detects tobacco and marijuana smoking in guest rooms by location
  • Security receives detailed Smoking Alerts with timestamp and location
  • FreshAir Smoking Alerts provide immediate, indisputable scientific evidence of smoking to confidently charge cleaning fees while guests are still on property, prevent chargebacks, and archives the evidence needed to fight them if needed


  • Improved follow-up process for smoking violations
  • Prevented credit card chargebacks for smoking fees

“What has been beneficial for us is the fact that there are much less complaints by guests of the smell of smoke near their room.”

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